Transpilers in web frontend engineering
Zhai xuguang will give us a talk about transpilers such as babel, terser, eslint, prettier, postcss, stylelint, posthtml, vue template compiler. Attention! Date change: 2021-03-28 10:00-11:00.
Zhai xuguang is a web frontend engineer and works for Ali gaode team. He will give us a talk about transpilers such as babel, terser, eslint, prettier, postcss, stylelint, posthtml, vue template compiler.
Key words: transpiler, web
Title: Transpilers in web frontend engineering
Talk File: slides
Time: 2021-03-28 10:00-11:00((UTC+08:00)Beijing)
Venue: Zoom Meeting , Meeting ID(353 034 802)
Talk Context:
- transpilers in web frontend
- how to use
Feel free to contact us via email if you are interested!